Wednesday, August 20, 2008

facts of the day.

i bloody sprained my damn back and salonpas is healing it!
i hate to slouch to avoid the sprain :(

korean rnb is getting more 'ke yi man'. watch KBS.

olympics helps singapore to win 4D and TOTO.
pls capture the timing that the particular person won and tadah!
money fly down from the sky.

new blog shop site alert!
helping kian for his friend :)
they just launched their first collection!

baby is happy that i sprained my back cause he knows i'm not able to dance, not to mention CLUB!
*dont worry, i'll recover in no time*

when can we club?
can't wait to make full use of my scarletroom glads wedges to the clubbbbb.
haven't even touch it since.

i need to get glads flats and one more pair of white loafers!
korean shoes are HOT nothings.

my camera battery is DEAD :(

i was elated when the terrorists wins (Counterstrike VS with baby)
storm is getting lousier.
new character pls.

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