Monday, June 11, 2007


how do u define to a extent how much a girl can be tat naive?
or how do u define tat u are a good person, but to wat extent?

or how do u know that u are mature, but in wat sense?
it's so hard to define all these.

between the good and the bad.
between people with a sincere heart and those who are masked.

男人不坏女人不爱 - this is fuking true.
but why is it tat way? Huh?!

isit so MAN to be bad. lol.

i haven started baking cookies and cakes.

i was in the express bus yesterday from town. the damn 1hr journey is killing me.
then i saw 2 girls who look kinda "lian" smoking away.
den i realise it kinda reflects on me.
i aint lian but its just tat its fuking ugly seein a girl smoke.
and so, im stopping. and i WILL.

bcos i CAN =]

no big deal in fagging, drinking, partying. it ain't essential but its just a bad habit, tat's all =]

but it'd be weird if i'd stop frequenting waiting.
went down waiting 5days for a week. mon, wed - sat.

i love socializing :)

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